
Retail Geni‑e | Sales ChatGPT

Add some magic to your storefront - a chatbot powered by ChatGPT that turns visitors into customers.

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App IDretail-geni-e
Vendor IDsupportgpt
Launched08 January 2024
CategoriesChat Recommended products
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Retail Geni‑e | Sales ChatGPT

About Retail Geni‑e | Sales ChatGPT

Let your storefront stand out with Retail Geni-e, your AI shop assistant and sales rep. Your Geni-e recommends products and answers queries using information found on your website. Geni-e acts as a dynamic sales channel and a responsive support agent.

With one-click setup and customizable appearance, your new Geni-e is your stores interactive and intuitive sales rep, sprinkling a touch of genie magic into every customer interaction.

No complex workflows - it’s ready as soon as you install it.

image demonstration product recommendations

image demonstration product recommendations

image demonstrating handling support inquiries

image demonstrating handling support inquiries

image demonstrating returns handling

image demonstrating returns handling