
Compass: Customer Account Page

Enhance your Customer Account page with a fully customizable dashboard, better order history & more

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App IDretention
Vendor IDseapixel
Launched29 June 2023
CategoriesPage enhancements - Other
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Compass: Customer Account Page

About Compass: Customer Account Page

Compass’ innovative retention management features can revolutionize your business and improve customer experience. Easily manage retentions, monitor customer behavior with in-depth analytics, and use the fully customizable My Account Dashboard. Adaptable conditional logic for cancellation flows & customer segmentation can drastically drive retention rates.

Use advanced analytics to unlock full subscription potential

Use advanced analytics to unlock full subscription potential

Customizable dashboard for a unique customer experience

Customizable dashboard for a unique customer experience

Easily manage flexible subscriptions with cancellations

Easily manage flexible subscriptions with cancellations