

Retrieval links e-commerce brands with brick-and-mortars who resell their products.

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App IDretrieval-1
Vendor IDretrieval1
Launched22 August 2023
CategoriesIn-store pickups
Avg rating5
Total reviews1

Benefits of Retrieval

About Retrieval

For e-commerce brands, Retrieval is your “buy online, pick up in-store” option, without the store.

For brick-and-mortars, Retrieval is a brand new sales channel to funnel click-and-collect sales from your brands’ websites.

Retrieval is a cooperative e-commerce tool that helps generates revenue for e-commerce only brands and brick-and-mortars alike, all while making a more pleasant shopping experience for your consumers.

Retrieval displays pickup options from local brick-and-mortars

Retrieval displays pickup options from local brick-and-mortars

With pick up selected, Retrieval allows for normal checkout

With pick up selected, Retrieval allows for normal checkout

Retrieval allows consumers to complete orders on original site

Retrieval allows consumers to complete orders on original site