eCommerce Returns Management

Unlock an exceptional returns experience for South East Asia.

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App IDreturnkey
Vendor IDreturnkey
Launched08 March 2021
CategoriesReturns and exchanges
Avg rating5
Total reviews8

Benefits of eCommerce Returns Management

About eCommerce Returns Management

How it works: Customer logs onto our white-label return portal that looks and feels just like your Shopify site. With just a few clicks, the customer selects her replacement item or receives a refund in store credit which can immediately be spent at your store. The customer then chooses her preferred return method: either pickup from home or dropoff at the nearest courier office. Lastly, your team automatically receives a returns notification and access to the analytics dashboard on ReturnKey.

Branded Returns Portal

Branded Returns Portal

Seamless Return Shipping

Seamless Return Shipping

Comprehensive Retailer Dashboard

Comprehensive Retailer Dashboard