

Simplified email marketing and CRM in a single app. Optimize customer engagement to drive sales.

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You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
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App IDrivet
Vendor IDrivet1
Launched08 March 2023
CategoriesCampaign management Customer analytics
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Rivet

About Rivet

Rivet is a fan management platform that helps you discover your top fans, activate them with exclusive content and perks, and build strong, monetizable fan communities through direct, personalized outreach. Integrate your Shopify data into our CRM to get a complete picture of your fans’ behaviors and purchase history, and use that data to create targeted marketing campaigns that drive sales. With Rivet, you can turn your biggest fans into loyal customers and increase your revenue.

Successful data integration

Successful data integration

Fan profile data

Fan profile data

Sending an email marketing push.

Sending an email marketing push.