
RMB ‑ Photo Background Remover

Easily remove backgrounds and instantly enhance product photos using AI technology in just a click!

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App IDrmb-photo-background-remover
Vendor IDfriedrich-amthor-ecommerce-gbr1
Launched31 October 2023
CategoriesImage editor
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of RMB ‑ Photo Background Remover

About RMB ‑ Photo Background Remover

Creating professional product images can be a challenging, time-consuming, and costly task. Our application provides a unique chance to distinguish your products with immaculate, uncluttered backgrounds. By ensuring visual uniformity across your entire store, you remove distractions, allowing customers to focus on your products. No more manual editing needed. The AI accurately identifies the foreground subject and expertly removes the background, delivering you expertly enhanced product photos.

Select product for removing background

Select product for removing background

select image and click on remove background

select image and click on remove background

save processed image

save processed image