
Super FAQs

Customer questions and answers wherever you want! Stop sending users to external FAQ pages.

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You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
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App IDrobust-questions
Vendor IDrobust-apps1
Launched20 December 2022
Avg rating5
Total reviews1

Benefits of Super FAQs

Customer asked questions and email responses
Helpfulness rating system
Collect user emails for marketing
Gain customer insights through searches
High performance and inspired by top e-commerce companies

About Super FAQs

Super FAQs allows you to display questions and answers right on the product page (or wherever you want). If a customer cannot find the answer they are looking for they can submit a question right on-page. You can answer the question from an easy to use dashboard, publish the question for future customers to see, and email respond to the asker. You can also set FAQs to display without searching, gain insights through customer searches, and collect emails for marketing (if desired).

Answers where they are needed most

Answers where they are needed most

Customer questions made simple

Customer questions made simple

Easy to use and built to fit any design

Easy to use and built to fit any design