RuffRuff Author Profiles

Effortlessly enhance content credibility by adding author profiles to blog posts and products.

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You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
Tested with time, robust, and reliable. Install the Shopify Spy browser extension now.
App IDruffruff-author-profiles
Vendor IDtsun1
Launched09 March 2023
CategoriesBlogs Author bio SEO Content optimization SEO score
Avg rating5
Total reviews6

Benefits of RuffRuff Author Profiles

Customize your author profile, Add custom author profile and image for authors.
Display of the author profile on products, and pages as well as blog posts.
Bulk apply author to multiple blog posts, products and pages.
Live preview allows you to see configuration changes in real time.
Add additional authors to blog posts above your store's staff account limit.

About RuffRuff Author Profiles

RuffRuff Author Profiles is only compatible with OS 2.0 themes. RuffRuff Author Profiles helps ‘improve the credibility of your store’s contents’, ‘resolve the limitation of the number of your staff account’ and ‘optimize search engines (SEO)’. This app setup is completed in 4 steps.
This app display profile information on products and blog posts. Not only for authors, but also for artisans, artists, designers, creators, writer, editor, etc. Please try it.

RuffRuff Author Profiles Before and After

RuffRuff Author Profiles Before and After

Simple UI

Simple UI

Create custom authors

Create custom authors