
KiwiSprout Rural Shipping

Enables you to decide which shipping rates you wish to display for customers in rural areas

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App IDrural-shipping-validator
Vendor IDkiwisprout-ltd
Launched13 February 2024
CategoriesShipping rate calculator
Avg rating5
Total reviews1

Benefits of KiwiSprout Rural Shipping

About KiwiSprout Rural Shipping

Customers from rural locations may mistakenly select urban shipping rates during the checkout process. This can result in increased cost for the merchant since shipping carriers typically charge more for deliveries to rural areas.

KiwiSprout Rural Shipping offers a solution by allowing you to input rural postal codes and customize the available shipping rates for these locations. Our app ensures that rural customers can only pick from the rates you specify, saving you money.

Home screen settings

Home screen settings

Help screen

Help screen

Shipping methods hidden on checkout based on your settings

Shipping methods hidden on checkout based on your settings