
Script Editor

Create personalized checkout customer experiences with customizations written in Ruby.

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App IDscript-editor
Vendor IDshopify
Launched21 March 2016
CategoriesDiscounts Sales analytics
Avg rating1.9
Total reviews27

Benefits of Script Editor

Line item scripts can change prices of items in cart and grant discounts
Shipping scripts can rename, hide, reorder, or discount shipping methods
Payment scripts can rename, hide, or reorder payment gateways

About Script Editor

Using line item, shipping, and payment scripts you can implement custom logic and tailor the user experience during a customer’s checkout journey.

Scripts are enabled on a store’s checkout by using the Script Editor app. Since the app hosts scripts you’ve created on Shopify’s servers, they can affect the cart and checkout at a fundamental level without the need of third-party apps or externally hosted plugins.

Note: This app is only available to Shopify Plus customers.

Create your own, or use our templates and resources

Create your own, or use our templates and resources

You don't need to worry about support or maintenance headaches

You don't need to worry about support or maintenance headaches

Offer automated promotions, shipping, or payment options

Offer automated promotions, shipping, or payment options