
Rewind Alerts

Rewind Alerts notifies merchants when changes happen across multiple products in their store.

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App IDsentinel
Vendor IDrewind
Launched13 May 2020
CategoriesStore alerts - Other
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Rewind Alerts

Real-time monitoring
Get notified when bulk updates are made to your products
Customizable alerts based on number of products changed in the last 24 hours

About Rewind Alerts

Rewind Alerts monitors bulk changes to stores, and automatically notifies merchants when changes have been made beyond their preset threshold. It enables merchants to take swift action when necessary to protect their store against downtime.

With Rewind Alerts, merchants will know instantly if a misconfigured app or rogue employee alters products, and they can prevent minor errors from becoming major data loss incidents.

Alerts enabled

Alerts enabled

Selecting number of products

Selecting number of products

Sample email alert

Sample email alert