
SearchPie SEO & Speed optimize

Make your store stand out from the search results crowd with SearchPie - a comprehensive SEO tool

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Tested with time, robust, and reliable. Install the Shopify Spy browser extension now.
App IDseo-booster
Vendor IDsecomapp
Launched09 July 2019
CategoriesSEO Speed optimization
Avg rating4.9
Total reviews3852

Benefits of SearchPie SEO & Speed optimize

404 pages, AI generation, ALT text, AMP pages, Automations, Backlinks, Breadcrumbs, Broken links, Bulk editing, Content optimization, Image compression, Image optimization, JSON-LD, Lazy loading, Local SEO, Meta tags, Mobile responsive, Page indexing, Preloading, Redirects, Rich snippets, Schemas, Sitemaps, Speed optimization, URL optimization
Analytics, Audits, Competitor analysis, Content analysis, Insights and tips, Keyword analysis, Link analysis, Rank tracking, Reporting, SEO score, Speed analysis, Tracking, Website traffic

About SearchPie SEO & Speed optimize

Rack up your sales, skyrocket your store’s traffic and conquer the search rankings peak with our powerful SEO suite. Identify perfect keywords with Keyword Explore, generate ideal Meta Tags using AI, increase your page speed effortlessly with the help of our SEO experts, and more (URLs, AMP, Schema & Snippets,…). Our devoted team is here to assist you every step of the way, ensuring smooth SEO operation & quick SEO issue resolution. Let your store get the attention it deserves with SearchPie!

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