
SEO ImageCraft

Optimize your images! Uses gpg4 for alt text, webp compression, filename change to seo optimization

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You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
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App IDseo-imagecraft
Vendor IDsalt-me-bg
Launched23 November 2023
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of SEO ImageCraft

About SEO ImageCraft

Maximize your Shopify store’s potential with the Image SEO Optimizer! This cutting-edge app enhances your website’s performance and search engine ranking by optimizing images. Key features include GPT-4 driven alt text generation, efficient WebP format conversion, advanced image compression, SEO-centric filename suggestions, and easy Shopify integration. Additionally, it offers a robust full backup service for your images and an insightful SEO report to identify not opimized images.

Check and fix all your images with the best seo practices

Check and fix all your images with the best seo practices

3 easy steps. Step Quality control - checks all your images

3 easy steps. Step Quality control - checks all your images

Main dashboard shows all product images with option for view

Main dashboard shows all product images with option for view