
SEO Variants Combined Listings

Optimize your product variant SEO with our combined listings app and improve your traffic.

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You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
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App IDseo-variants
Vendor IDseovariants-inc
Launched29 April 2024
CategoriesProduct options
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Total reviews0

Benefits of SEO Variants Combined Listings

About SEO Variants Combined Listings

Just like Shopify Combined Listings but available to all Shopify plans - Link native Shopify products together as variants. Bypass the 100 variant limit. Each variant is a product so you can improve Search Engine Optimization (SEO) on a per product basis with unique URLs, tags, descriptions, and images per variant. Improve integrations with Google Shopping, Instagram, and more. Support for Buttons, Dropdown, Color Swatch, and Image Swatch. Improve traffic and conversion.

Optimize product SEO

Optimize product SEO

Multi-Option Matrix Support

Multi-Option Matrix Support

No variant or option limits

No variant or option limits