Shipify Delivery Estimate

Add estimated delivery date and shipping date to boost sales. Display expected delivery dates.

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Benefits of Shipify Delivery Estimate

Increase conversion rate - Add estimated arrival dates on product pages.
Display delivery date - Display expected date when products will be delivered.
Increase conversions - When will it arrive? Answer it for them with this app.
Easy to use, simple setup - Add delivery date to your product within minutes.
No coding skills required - Fully customise according to your store design.

About Shipify Delivery Estimate

Shipping Delivery Estimate - display estimated delivery dates. Easily display when a product should arrive by. Simple set-up and easy to use.

Build trust and increase conversion rates. Display your estimated delivery date message on any page or product. Set specific rules for products and collections.

Easily display when products should be expected by. Show the expected delivery date and day.

Expected Delivery Date

Expected Delivery Date

Expected Delivery Date

Expected Delivery Date

Expected Delivery Date

Expected Delivery Date