
ShippingHub ‑ ship all over SA

Manage and track all your orders, create custom shipping labels, and access discounted courier rates

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Tested with time, robust, and reliable. Install the Shopify Spy browser extension now.
App IDshipping-hub
Vendor IDcycling-savings
Launched22 May 2023
CategoriesShipping rate calculator
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of ShippingHub ‑ ship all over SA

About ShippingHub ‑ ship all over SA

Our app offers a range of features that make it easy for merchants to manage and track their orders, create custom shipping labels, have live shipping rates and access discounted rates on a variety of South African carriers.

One of the key benefits of our app is the ability to offer cost savings on shipping. By using our platform, merchants can access discounted rates on carriers, and access comparative quotes from our partner carriers which can significantly reduce their shipping expenses.

Shipping Hub setup instructions

Shipping Hub setup instructions

Shipping Hub comparitive price

Shipping Hub comparitive price

Shipping Hub automated tracking

Shipping Hub automated tracking