
ShipPro Shipping Protection

Offer your own shipping protection solution that increases revenue and customer peace of mind.

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App IDshipping-protection
Vendor IDbeast-kings-of-awesomeness-and-selling-s
Launched07 November 2023
CategoriesWarranties and insurance Upselling and cross-selling
Avg rating4.8
Total reviews19

Benefits of ShipPro Shipping Protection

About ShipPro Shipping Protection

ShipProtect allows you to charge a % of the value of a customer’s order as shipping protection and retain 100% of the collected premiums. Encouraging customers to protect their orders can increase the perceived value of your products. This will help customers justify their purchase as well as add a new stream of income to your business. The simple alternative to Route Insurance and Navidium.

Sell Insurance In Minutes

Sell Insurance In Minutes

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Match Your Brand

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