
Shipping Rates Calculator Plus

Instantly display precise shipping rates in-cart, boosting conversions and enhancing user trust

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You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
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App IDshipping-rates-calculator-plus
Vendor IDcodeblackbelt
Launched08 March 2017
CategoriesCart modification Shipping rate calculator
Avg rating5
Total reviews404

Benefits of Shipping Rates Calculator Plus

About Shipping Rates Calculator Plus

Cart abandonment is a challenge many merchants face, often due to unexpected shipping costs at checkout. Our solution integrates directly into the shopping cart, showcasing real-time shipping estimates from leading carriers like UPS and FedEx. By utilizing geolocation and zip code precision, we ensure accuracy and clarity. The free shipping bar drives larger orders. Dive into a more intuitive checkout process, designed to retain customers and enhance their shopping journey.

Decrease cart abandonment & create trust with your customers.

Decrease cart abandonment & create trust with your customers.

Automatic geolocation detection acc to customers' location.

Automatic geolocation detection acc to customers' location.

Show real-time carrier estimates and shipping rates.

Show real-time carrier estimates and shipping rates.