
Descartes ShipRush

Find the cheapest shipping rates and ship your orders faster with multi-carrier shipping software.

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App IDshiprush
Vendor IDshiprush-user
Launched27 September 2023
CategoriesShipping labels
Avg rating5
Total reviews5

Benefits of Descartes ShipRush

About Descartes ShipRush

Automatically find the fastest, cheapest shipping option for every order with our shipping software app. Descartes ShipRush helps you keep shipping affordable while meeting customer expectations. By integrating all your sales channels and carrier accounts into one easy-to-use platform, we speed up the shipping process and prevent errors. Get deep discounts on shipping rates, easily print labels, and streamline shipping logistics for your business while technology does the tedious work.

All orders, one platform

All orders, one platform

Automation Rules

Automation Rules

Batch Printing

Batch Printing