
ShipWiz : Shipping Info Bar

Motivate customers to buy more with compelling free shipping incentives.

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App IDshipwiz
Vendor IDzongoapps
Launched13 October 2023
CategoriesCustom storefronts
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of ShipWiz : Shipping Info Bar

About ShipWiz : Shipping Info Bar

Enhance your Shopify store’s performance and drive significant business impact with our Shipping Bar app. Designed to cater to the needs of e-commerce merchants, our app offers a seamless solution to promote shipping offers, create a sense of urgency, and ultimately increase conversions. By effectively highlighting shipping incentives, such as free shipping thresholds or expedited shipping options, our app helps generate a sense of urgency and encourages visitors to make a purchase.



Preview of bar and selection

Preview of bar and selection

Customization options

Customization options