
ShopiPay SMS Notifications

SMS Notifications using Georgian SMS providers, with custom personalized templates and SMS history

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App IDshopipay-sms-notifications
Vendor IDshopipay2
Launched14 March 2023
CategoriesSMS marketing Customer order tracking
Avg rating0
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Benefits of ShopiPay SMS Notifications

About ShopiPay SMS Notifications

Get the most out of your Shopify store with ShopiPay’s SMS notifications! With our app, you can choose from multiple Georgian SMS providers to send personalized text messages to your customers. Customize your message templates with personalized information and keep track of all your SMS history in one convenient place. Don’t miss a beat and take your customer communication to the next level with SMS notifications.

Template editor with variables

Template editor with variables

Templates overview

Templates overview

Sent SMS history with delivery reports

Sent SMS history with delivery reports