
ShopMate ‑ AI Sales Assistant

Boost Engagement and Drive Sales with Instant AI-Powered Product Recommendations

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App IDshopmate-1
Vendor IDrussell-fenton
Launched29 September 2023
CategoriesChat Recommended products
Avg rating5
Total reviews1

Benefits of ShopMate ‑ AI Sales Assistant

About ShopMate ‑ AI Sales Assistant

ShopMate is a virtual sales assistant for your store. It provides intelligent product recommendations and answers common questions like shipping times, return policies, and FAQs. Guide your customers seamlessly to their desired products—and beyond—with targeted recommendations. Merchants can expect more engagement and potentially higher sales. With ShopMate, shopping becomes an interactive, personalized, and enjoyable experience.

App feature - Boost sales with AI product recommendations

App feature - Boost sales with AI product recommendations

App feature - Respond to customers with automated support

App feature - Respond to customers with automated support

App feature - Customizable UI to match your store

App feature - Customizable UI to match your store