
Etsy Inventory sync by shopUpz

Etsy Integration - Export Listings,Import Listings, Sync Quantities and Orders. Integrate with Etsy

🚀 Do you need to export any Shopify store in minutes to a CSV file?
You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
Tested with time, robust, and reliable. Install the Shopify Spy browser extension now.
App IDshopupz-inventory
Vendor IDshopupz
Launched14 October 2020
CategoriesInventory sync Online marketplaces
Avg rating4.8
Total reviews220

Benefits of Etsy Inventory sync by shopUpz

About Etsy Inventory sync by shopUpz

Wasting time managing your inventory? let us manage your inventory with 1 click!

shopUpz is an easy to use app:) Manage all of your listings, orders and quantities between Etsy and Shopify . Our app provides 4 main capabilities : 1.Export listings from Shopify to Etsy with a click of a button-UNLIMID! 2.Import listings from Etsy to Shopify easily 3.Both way quantity sync so you will never oversell 4.Replicate orders from Etsy to Shopify (POD sellers,Printify,Printful, external suppliers)

Etsy Shopify Export migrate transfer listings variations images

Etsy Shopify Export migrate transfer listings variations images

Etsy Shopify Order Management POD ; Sale on Etsy

Etsy Shopify Order Management POD ; Sale on Etsy

Real Time Inventory Sync between Shopify and Etsy

Real Time Inventory Sync between Shopify and Etsy