
Simple Inventory

Effortlessly update inventory, tags, prices & more with Simple Inventory.

🚀 Do you need to export any Shopify store in minutes to a CSV file?
You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
Tested with time, robust, and reliable. Install the Shopify Spy browser extension now.
App IDsimple-inventory
Vendor IDgrenadeapps
Launched17 June 2015
CategoriesBulk editor
Avg rating4.8
Total reviews75

Benefits of Simple Inventory

About Simple Inventory

Simple Inventory streamlines the process of updating inventory, tags, prices, cost, and weight by utilizing a user-friendly CSV format. Additionally, Simple Inventory offers an automated option for those with a properly formatted CSV file hosted at a designated URL or SFTP server.

Automation Config

Automation Config

Simple Inventory Dashboard

Simple Inventory Dashboard

Export Form

Export Form