
Search7: Smart Search & Filter

Boost conversion rates with intelligent search, intuitive product results & variant based filters

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App IDsimprosys-advance-search
Vendor IDsimprosys
Launched11 April 2024
CategoriesNavigation and search - Other Search
Avg rating0
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Benefits of Search7: Smart Search & Filter

About Search7: Smart Search & Filter

Elevate your store’s navigational experience by effortlessly integrating Search Seven with zero coding jargon. Our Smart & Instant Search Bar with intelligent search results; ensures that visitors find products instantly. Its variant-based filters refine searches by solving the challenge of product discovery, enhancing customer satisfaction, and boosting conversion rates. Merchants can also gain valuable search insights with analytics.

Use analytics as a robust tool to comprehend business insight

Use analytics as a robust tool to comprehend business insight

Enhance your store's presence with suggestions and spell check

Enhance your store's presence with suggestions and spell check

Speedy checkout with quick view & customized labels

Speedy checkout with quick view & customized labels