
Build an Announcement Bar

Promote sales: rotating, sliding, sticky, scrolling, marquee, multi-message banners & coupon bar.

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App IDsmart-announcement-banner
Vendor IDmy-print-plug
Launched19 June 2023
CategoriesBanners Discounts
Avg rating4.7
Total reviews19

Benefits of Build an Announcement Bar


About Build an Announcement Bar

Promote sales powerfully using Build an Announcement Bar. You can choose from rotating, sliding, sticky, scrolling, marquee, multi-message, and coupon bars. Each bar is equipped with a ‘Call to Action’, guiding users to your designated page for enhanced sales. Benefit from banner scheduling, extensive customization, and targeted product and device settings. Further amplify your promotions with our AI content generator. Banners can be placed as a top or bottom bar.

Engage customers with AI-optimised banners

Engage customers with AI-optimised banners

AI-Powered Banner Content Generator

AI-Powered Banner Content Generator

24/7 support

24/7 support