
SMSGem: SMS Marketing & AI

Save time & money with AI-Powered SMS Marketing platform: recover abandoned carts, gain customers

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You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
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App IDsmsgem-subscribers
Vendor IDomegaapps
Launched15 March 2023
CategoriesSMS marketing
Avg rating4.7
Total reviews3

Benefits of SMSGem: SMS Marketing & AI

About SMSGem: SMS Marketing & AI

Let our smart AI handle all the hard works so you don’t. This all-in-one SMS Marketing tool automates everything. Our continuously learning AI can: analyze data, segment customers, recover abandoned carts, collect more fans. Sit back, relax, and watch your revenue soar.



sms abandoned cart recovery

sms abandoned cart recovery

sms collect subscriber

sms collect subscriber