
SocialClique: Social Rewards

Incentivize customers into creators and grow brand awareness, sales, and customer lifetime value

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App IDsocialclique
Vendor IDsocialclique
Launched22 January 2024
CategoriesAffiliate programs
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of SocialClique: Social Rewards

About SocialClique: Social Rewards

In less than 10 minutes SocialClique will launch your business into the Influencer marketing space by incentivizing your visitors to follow you on social media and then your customers to post about your amazing products on their social media accounts. Track every mention of your brand on Instagram stories, posts and reels, automatically reply to every mention and reward the customer with a discount off their next purchase driving brand awareness, sales and lifetime customer value.

Setup wizard

Setup wizard

Campaign setup process

Campaign setup process

Additional campaign settings

Additional campaign settings