
SocialSeal: OG Image Generator

Create custom social sharing thumbnail images for your products & more.

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App IDsocialseal-og-image-generator
Vendor IDniki-business
Launched22 June 2023
CategoriesImages and media - Other
Avg rating5
Total reviews1

Benefits of SocialSeal: OG Image Generator

About SocialSeal: OG Image Generator

Whenever you share a product on WhatsApp, Facebook, or other social media, we’ll automatically create and attach an O.G. image, based on a template you configure. Set it up in 2-3 mins, then get professional visuals without any additional effort.

Fully automated social image generation.

Fully automated social image generation.

Easily tailor the template to your brand.

Easily tailor the template to your brand.

Set it up once, then let it work in the background.

Set it up once, then let it work in the background.