Spee Dee Shipping

Spee-Dee provides ground delivery services with a focus on the Midwest.

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App IDspee-dee-shipping
Vendor IDweb-2-market
Launched22 July 2021
CategoriesShipping rates Shipping solutions - Other
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Spee Dee Shipping

Rate and optimize shipments for shipment weight rating,
Eliminate using the carrier’s website to estimate shipping,
Cut shipping costs, Cost-effective overnight shipments

About Spee Dee Shipping

Spee-Dee provides ground delivery services with a focus on the Midwest. As a regional carrier, Spee-Dee is able to provide a substantial next-day footprint for its customers. Spee-Dee also offers complimentary Spee-Dee Ship Software that helps our customer’s process packages more quickly and efficiently to keep better track of their shipping activity.

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