
STARRT: SEO Blog AI Writer

Generate SEO-optimised articles with images and internal links, and increase organic traffic & sales

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App IDstarrt-seo-blog-ai-writer
Vendor IDsmartbrand
Launched30 October 2023
CategoriesBlogs SEO
Avg rating1
Total reviews1

Benefits of STARRT: SEO Blog AI Writer

Copywriting in 10 languages including English, Spanish, and Chinese.
Posts from 500 to 800 words long.
Selection of blog, author and tags.
Writing audience levels: Beginner, Medium, Expert.
Select a royalty-free image for your post from Unsplash in-app.

About STARRT: SEO Blog AI Writer

Quickly write optimised posts to generate organic traffic. In addition, include internal links to products, collections or other posts by choosing the right anchor text to distribute the authority correctly between the pages of your shop and favour navigation and user experience.

Fully SEO-optimised articles for your shop

Fully SEO-optimised articles for your shop

Draft your posts in multiple languages

Draft your posts in multiple languages

Enhance organisation and searchability

Enhance organisation and searchability