
Steppun Discount

The tiered discounts based on the quantity stimulate purchase intent and improve conversion rates.

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App IDsteppun-discount
Vendor ID7996
Launched03 August 2023
Avg rating5
Total reviews3

Benefits of Steppun Discount

Bulk discounts, Coupons, Discount codes, Percentage discounts, Volume discounts
Editor tool

About Steppun Discount

Our app provides flexible discount rules based on the quantity of items, encouraging customers to make bulk purchases. You can also create a coupon discount with a quantity limit of ○% off up to ○% of the product. Sellers can customize the discounts according to their own strategies. This helps purchase intent, prevent cart abandonment, and improve conversion rates. The app obtains the customer’s name and email. However, the app does not hold any information about the customers.

Discount creation screen

Discount creation screen

Discount management screen

Discount management screen

Purchase screen

Purchase screen