StockRabbit Inventory Manager

Never Run Out of Stock Again, Get Low Stock Alerts. Forecast Demand And Generate your POs Easily.

🚀 Do you need to export any Shopify store in minutes to a CSV file?
You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
Tested with time, robust, and reliable. Install the Shopify Spy browser extension now.

Benefits of StockRabbit Inventory Manager

Avoid Stockouts and prevent lost sales, get important email notifications
Optimise Inventory Levels to ensure good Return on Capital
Automatically generate vendor orders by using our Excel export feature.
Chart of product sales over time - see exactly what's going on.
Stay up to date with Email notifications

About StockRabbit Inventory Manager

Stay on top of your inventory levels with StockRabbit. Avoid revenue loss - see which products will you should reorder first.

Get Low Stock Alerts Daily.

Get in front of sales trends - products have suddenly started selling faster than usual.

Check your list of Overstocked Products - allocate your money effectively.

Avoid Dead Products - avoid dead money.

See Sales Graphs for each product for last year.

Receive Daily Email Summaries about most important Stock Issues.

Replenish These Products First - See when they will run out

Replenish These Products First - See when they will run out

Fast sellers - Make sure you have plenty of those in stock

Fast sellers - Make sure you have plenty of those in stock

Slow Sellers - see which products stopped selling recently

Slow Sellers - see which products stopped selling recently