

Stord has pioneered the future of logistics with Cloud Supply Chain (OMS/WMS) technology.

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App IDstord
Vendor IDstord3
Launched28 February 2023
CategoriesManaging orders - Other
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Stord

About Stord

Stord delivers port-to-porch logistics and integrated OMS and WMS software to drive business results. Purpose-built for high volume fulfillment, DTC, B2B, and omnichannel brands, and 3PLs can ship efficiently and cost-effectively from multiple warehouses and sale channels. With Stord One Commerce OMS and Stord One Warehouse WMS, seamlessly connect to your Shopify store; get full visibility and the insights you need to intelligently orchestrate and optimize your entire supply chain in real-time.

Stord One Commerce Home

Stord One Commerce Home

Stord One Commerce Orders

Stord One Commerce Orders

Stord One Commerce Network

Stord One Commerce Network