Amai Local Pickup & Delivery

Elevate your store with flexible Local Pickup & Delivery options – boost customer satisfaction!

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Benefits of Amai Local Pickup & Delivery

Manage multiple locations easily and configure stores individually or in bulk.
Maximize convenience with Store Pickup. Recommends closest pickup point.
Offer local delivery with customizable zones, cutoff times, and delivery rates.
24/7 Live Chat support and developer assistance when you need it.

About Amai Local Pickup & Delivery

Easily set up store locations, sync with your Shopify inventory, and configure tailored pickup and delivery settings. Customize features like order deposits, collection times, order limits, delivery radius, rates, and more to meet your customers’ needs seamlessly.

store pickup on frontend

store pickup on frontend

Store pickup on Ajax cart

Store pickup on Ajax cart

Store pickup list

Store pickup list