

Replaces the built-in blog. SEO helps you rank better & embedded products drive more sales.

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App IDstoripress
Vendor IDstroipress
Launched13 March 2023
Avg rating5
Total reviews2

Benefits of Storipress

About Storipress

Wish there was a better way to scale your Shopify blog? Storipress allows you manage every aspect of your brand’s output, from the first draft to monetisation. Connect your Shopify blog to Storipress’ enterprise publishing solution to instantly replace the built-in Shopify blog. Streamline your editorial workflow in a unified workspace that lets you collaborate and schedule content with ease, which when combined with our built in SEO tools, allows you to perfect your content strategy.

A kanban board

A kanban board

Illustration of publishing to Shopify and social chanels

Illustration of publishing to Shopify and social chanels

Collaborative editor

Collaborative editor