
Supercampaign: Free Email GPT

Automate engaging email campaigns with your store's content. Streamline marketing with AI.

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App IDsupercampaign
Vendor IDsupercorp2
Launched07 February 2024
CategoriesEmail marketing
Avg rating5
Total reviews1

Benefits of Supercampaign: Free Email GPT

Custom campaigns, Email campaigns, Product recommendations, Promotions, Upsell emails, Win-back emails
AI generation, Automations, Email domains, Localization, Templates

About Supercampaign: Free Email GPT

Supercampaign uses GPT AI to autonomously generate and send engaging email marketing campaigns, allowing you to sell more things to more people. Our Shopify-optimized app generates months’ worth of email campaigns in minutes. Every email is custom-tailored to your store’s content and topics, scheduled and sent automatically during peak performance hours. The simple chat interface allows you to fine-tune any email subtleties you care about and use whatever writing style or language you like.

Create email campaigns instantly by chatting.

Create email campaigns instantly by chatting.

It works great with any kind of store.

It works great with any kind of store.

Export to any marketing platform - no limits!

Export to any marketing platform - no limits!