

Respond to customer inquiries faster with an AI-powered inbox for growing teams.

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You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
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App IDsupermoon
Vendor IDsupermoon
Launched03 November 2023
CategoriesSupport ticket management
Avg rating5
Total reviews2

Benefits of Supermoon

About Supermoon

Supermoon offers the shared messaging center your team needs. Use AI-powered smart replies to save time and enhance your customer’s experience with consistent tone and correct grammar in every message! See relevant order and customer information from Shopify when replying to customer inquiries.

Shopify Customer Info

Shopify Customer Info

Supermoon AI Smart Summaries

Supermoon AI Smart Summaries

Supermoon AI Smart Replies

Supermoon AI Smart Replies