
Tag Minion ‑ Auto Tag Workflow

Automate workflows to create tags for products, orders and customers based on specific criteria.

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App IDtag-minion
Vendor IDminion-made
Launched27 October 2023
CategoriesWorkflow automation
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Tag Minion ‑ Auto Tag Workflow

About Tag Minion ‑ Auto Tag Workflow

Tag Minion allows you to automate workflows to add tags to customers, orders and products. A powerful tool that allows you to quickly and easily setup workflows that will automatically tag products, customers and orders in your account based on specific criteria in real time. Choose from hundreds of variables and conditions to create your workflows and automate the process of applying tags where necessary.

Create unlimited workflows

Create unlimited workflows

Keep track with activity logs

Keep track with activity logs

Endless options for conditions and tags

Endless options for conditions and tags