
Tailor Shirt Shop

Let the customer design his own style shirt and customization options can help increase product sale

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App IDtailor-shirt-shop
Vendor IDsolvercircle
Launched03 December 2015
CategoriesPrint on demand (POD)
Avg rating5
Total reviews2

Benefits of Tailor Shirt Shop

About Tailor Shirt Shop

Shoppers can create or customize shirts online. Your customers can create their own shirts & have it tailored to accurate measurements for a perfect fitting. Option to select their favorite fabrics, sleeves, collar, cuffs, pocket etc. & customers can see the preview of his designed shirt while selecting options. They can set all the measurements of the shirt. Extra price for custom design can be set from admin and many other customization are available

Tailor Shirt design panel

Tailor Shirt design panel

Tailor Shirt select styles/options in the design panel

Tailor Shirt select styles/options in the design panel

Tailor Shirt measurement entry in the design panel

Tailor Shirt measurement entry in the design panel