
Tap2Chat ‑ WhatsApp/others

Let customers reach you with a click. Convenient ways to engage can delight more customers to buy.

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App IDtap2chat
Vendor IDavexsoft-pte-ltd2
Launched10 July 2023
Avg rating5
Total reviews1

Benefits of Tap2Chat ‑ WhatsApp/others

About Tap2Chat ‑ WhatsApp/others

Tap2Chat adds a floating button on your page that let customers reach you through the world’s most popular messaging services!

Choose from WhatsApp/Telegram/Viber and many more, we let you customize the look and feel of the buttons and even multiple accounts from the same messaging chat service.

Multiple accounts from the same chat messaging service

Multiple accounts from the same chat messaging service

single click direct chat simple easy whatsapp

single click direct chat simple easy whatsapp

flexible responsive colors web

flexible responsive colors web