
eCommerce Bots & RPAs

🚀 Do you need to export any Shopify store in minutes to a CSV file?
You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
Tested with time, robust, and reliable. Install the Shopify Spy browser extension now.
App IDtapcliqbots
Vendor IDtapcliq1
Launched14 May 2020
CategoriesCustomer analytics Sales analytics
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of eCommerce Bots & RPAs

About eCommerce Bots & RPAs

#All-in-one CX Automation Solution | 30+ Bots | 5+ Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Playbooks | Create Custom Bots | Enhanced eCommerce with Acquisition Bots, Lead Generation Bot, Product Discovery Bot, Upsell Bot, Cart Abandonment Bot & many more.

#Low-Code. Rapid Deployment. Automation. Cost Saving. Fast ROI.

tapCLIQ is an AI-based CX automation platform including Front-office RPAs. We convert feedback & messages into conversations, connect them with action automatically, learns intent &…

It's a Bot. Not a Pop-up.

It's a Bot. Not a Pop-up.

Hand-hold users across customer journey

Hand-hold users across customer journey

Acquisition Bot - Shopify bots

Acquisition Bot - Shopify bots