
Tepo Product Options Variants

Add infinite product options, variants options, product variants to customize products & boost sales

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App IDtepo-product-options
Vendor IDtepo
Launched04 November 2022
CategoriesProduct options Color swatches
Avg rating4.9
Total reviews261

Benefits of Tepo Product Options Variants

About Tepo Product Options Variants

Elevate your customers’ shopping experience by granting them the ability to infuse their selected products with a personal touch that truly resonates with over 15 option types, limitless range of product options & variants options. It empowers you to increase your conversion rate and AOV with price add-ons that can link existing product variants to create extra charge amount for custom options or selling more products as bundles. Works with Shopify Discounts to optimize the checkout page.

Checkbox upsell & add extra prices to any product options or

Checkbox upsell & add extra prices to any product options or

add infinite product options and variants to Shopify products

add infinite product options and variants to Shopify products

shows other product options based on previous selections

shows other product options based on previous selections