Wishlist by The EpochTimes: Empower Your Sales

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App IDthe-etwishlist
Vendor IDthe-epoch-times-association-inc
Launched10 January 2024
CategoriesMarketplaces Custom listings Custom rules
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of The ETWISHLIST

Upvote System: Allows real-time feedback & popularity gauging for your products
Targeted Audience: Designed for a mature demographic & your intended market
Community Engagement: Build loyal customer by interact directly with audience
Market Insights: Gain valuable data on customer preferences and trends
Easy Integration: Seamlessly integrates with your existing Shopify store


‘Wishlist by The EpochTimes’ is a unique platform designed for merchants aiming to captivate a mature audience. This app integrates an upvote system, allowing merchants to gauge product popularity before launch. It’s tailored for the USA market, focusing on consumers aged 30 and up, ensuring that your products reach the right demographic. Merchants can showcase their products, receive feedback, and build a community around their brand.

get your products to 100+ millions readers and followers

get your products to 100+ millions readers and followers

grow the brand and consumer of your popular products

grow the brand and consumer of your popular products

Top products Weekly, Monthly and Annual Prize Newsletter

Top products Weekly, Monthly and Annual Prize Newsletter