
Rave: Referral, Affiliate, UGC

No more boring incentives! Maximize your referral, affiliate, and UGC efforts with cash + free items

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App IDthe-rave
Vendor IDthe-rave-technologies-ltd
Launched26 May 2023
CategoriesAffiliate programs
Avg rating5
Total reviews14

Benefits of Rave: Referral, Affiliate, UGC

About Rave: Referral, Affiliate, UGC

Cash and free items are incentives that get customers excited (and sharing)!

The Rave’s platform allows you to set up effective referral marketing, affiliate, and UGC (User Generated Content) campaigns in minutes. Use these campaigns to transform everyday shoppers into growth opportunities, referral partners, and content creators. We’ve automated every step of the process, meaning you’ll be managing thousands of affiliates, referrers, and content creators without having to lift a finger.

Referral Rewards

Referral Rewards

Simple UX

Simple UX