
Tipo Appointment Booking

Powerful scheduling app that lets you create multiple appointment types, customize your booking form

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App IDtipo-appointment-booking
Vendor IDtipo-technology-company-limited
Launched07 November 2019
CategoriesAppointment booking Event calendar
Avg rating4.6
Total reviews420

Benefits of Tipo Appointment Booking

About Tipo Appointment Booking

Tipo Appointment Booking is a powerful scheduling app designed specifically for Shopify. Our app allows you to easily offer appointment bookings for a wide range of services and events such as retail shopping assistance, spa, hair salon, fashion styling, tutoring, consultations, etc. With customizable booking forms, support for multiple appointment types, and the ability to manage staff schedules and send automated appointment reminders.Tipo is easy appointment booking solution on Shopify

appoinment booking on home page

appoinment booking on home page

Allow your customer booking an appoiment on product page

Allow your customer booking an appoiment on product page

Appoinment booking history in frontend

Appoinment booking history in frontend