
TOSHI Last Mile Delivery

Book a 1 hour delivery window. Bring the high-end store experience to the door.

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App IDtoshi-staging-v2
Vendor IDtoshi-test-store
Launched16 May 2023
CategoriesDelivery date
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of TOSHI Last Mile Delivery

About TOSHI Last Mile Delivery

With TOSHI enabled as a carrier at checkout, customers can choose a scheduled 1 hour delivery window for your products, and allows you to offer TOSHI services at the customer’s door. TOSHI services include “wait and try” which allow you to cater to the specific needs of your customers.

TOSHI allows you to extend your in-store presence at the customer’s door by continuing to offer a high-end service from order creation through to fulfilment.

Modal - Book a TOSHI delivery button (if enabled for storefront)

Modal - Book a TOSHI delivery button (if enabled for storefront)

Modal - empty

Modal - empty

Modal - customer selected required information

Modal - customer selected required information