Language Translate‑Langwill

Translate your store into multi-languages in minutes and get more traffic.

🚀 Do you need to export any Shopify store in minutes to a CSV file?
You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
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App IDtranslation-1
Vendor IDsealapps
Launched16 December 2021
CategoriesLanguage and translation
Avg rating4.9
Total reviews395

Benefits of Language Translate‑Langwill

Translate your store with AI machine translator in minutes.
Auto update translations for any changes of your store. No need to visit.
Switch language based on visitors' browser language. Better shopping experience.

About Language Translate‑Langwill

Langwill was born for providing localization solution for Shopify stores. Within just minutes, Langwill enables you to have a fully multiple languages store to adapt any markets. The app uses AI machine translators for speedy and automated translations, with manual-edit features available to ensure the utmost quality. Say goodbye to language barriers and hello to a world of endless opportunities with Langwill.

No-code install, Add Langwill to your website in minutes.

No-code install, Add Langwill to your website in minutes.

Rapid response by server-side translation.

Rapid response by server-side translation.

The translation adapted to the mobile page.

The translation adapted to the mobile page.