
TREX Parcel

Seamless order tracking with Malaysian couriers. Phone OTP for no-hassle tracking.

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App IDtrex-parcel
Vendor IDjosh-yap
Launched30 June 2023
CategoriesCustomer order tracking Order and shipping reports
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of TREX Parcel

About TREX Parcel

Say goodbye to email tracking hassles and hello to TREX Parcel. We’re shaking up the world of order tracking! With just a phone number and an OTP, your customers can track orders from the comfort of your website. No more detours to random courier sites. And we didn’t stop there! TREX Parcel throws in nifty in-app support, plus detailed insight on common issues and delivery times. All while putting the customer journey in the spotlight. TREX Parcel - order tracking just got a whole lot cooler!

Order tracking displayed right in your store

Order tracking displayed right in your store

Integrates with your customer support

Integrates with your customer support

Insights on your orders and shipments

Insights on your orders and shipments