
Coupo Trust Badge

Build trust and boost conversions with custom payment and security badges for your online store.

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App IDtrust-badge-2
Vendor IDcoupo
Launched02 December 2019
CategoriesTrust badges
Avg rating4.5
Total reviews284

Benefits of Coupo Trust Badge

Trust badge helps boost conversions and build trust with your customer.
Easy setup and no custom coding required to add these badges to your website.
Choose from hundreds of custom badges that suit your e-commerce store.

About Coupo Trust Badge

Are you looking to improve your store’s performance? Implementing trust and security badges increases your sales and conversion rates. Place these trust badges to build trust with your customer.

The app is easy to install with the click of a button - no developers are needed! It works with Shopify apps like Spocket and is compatible with different Shopify themes.

Home page is easy to use

Home page is easy to use

A large selection of badges to choose from

A large selection of badges to choose from

Customize your design

Customize your design